Monday, May 11, 2009


I was reading the novel last night and it reminded me of so many things. Charles Martin opened my eyes through his book. It was all about a family. A longing for a father who was so busy with getting richer and booze. From childhood to adulthood, Tuck never felt loved by his Dad but loved by Ms. Ella, his nanny and his Mother. Miss Ella was battered because of Rex's best friend Mr. Daniels went to his head. Rex also brought home another son named Mutt who suffered the same terror like Miss Ella and Tuck had with mean Rex. The brothers grew together. Had lots of adventure. Had lots of preachings from Miss Ella.

Reading the book I was lucky to have read some of the lines from the bible and how the characters provided each other with love, how Miss Ella disciplined the brothers, how they have obeyed Miss Ella, how they hated Rex, how Rex hit them all, how Miss Ella endured the strangles, punches, and blood that bubbled out her mouth and eyes, how she lost 8 teeth. Miss Ella could've died if Tuck didn't arrive earlier. The screamings, the blood, and terror and the death of Miss Ella from cancer changed their lives. Everything rumbled in Mutt's head. He rode the train from everywhere, back and forth and Tuck noticed the changes from Mutt. The smell, the actions. All of him became worse. The voices from his head echoed louder. The memory of them all. Mutt became schizoeffective, schizophrenic, and had bipolar disorder. Tuck busied himself with baseball and photography.

Tuck brought Mutt in Spiraling Oaks Mental Health Facility and left him without looking back for 7 or 8 years. Mutt escaped and was gone so Tuck came to Spiraling Oaks to find Mutt himself. And when he found him he brought Mutt home...

I guess you should read the book yourself. It would change how you see things.

I just remembered how I also craved for parental love. How I was deprived. How I grew alone. How i was abandoned. And how I was betrayed. And how I learned about life n my own.

"Life is a battle, but you can't fight it with your fists. You got to fight it with your heart."-- Miss Ella.